Monday, 5 September 2016

Maths - Quadrilateral - with Kayla - Rose

WALT: Find out on what a Quadrilaterals' are.


  1. Hi Annabelle, I like how you have typed what everything is and shown pictures as well, this a good piece of work

  2. Salut Annabelle. I am Caitlin, I go to Grey Main School. I am a year 7. I really like your presentation and how you explained what it was you learnt. Next time you could animate it or just change the font. Why did you need to find out about Quadrilaterals ? Au Revoir Caitlin
    P.S I am in GAT program and our challenge is to learn to speck another language. I am doing French

  3. Tēnā koe Annabelle. This is a really cool slideshow about quadrilateral shapes. It was a really good idea to add in images and some things about the shape. Maybe next time you could have some more shapes if possible. Haere rā
    From Shialla

  4. hi I love your slide and i LIke that you typed everything and have shown pictures


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