Wednesday, 12 April 2017

[RE] Religious Education - Easter Triduum 2017

WALT.. Identify how the Easter Triduum is celebrated in the Church
What I found Hard: I found it hard to remember all the information.
What I found easy: I found it easy to create my own Prezi template so I used one of the Prezi templates.
What I could do next time: Maybe, next time I could try to create my own Prezi template so it'd be more meaningful.

Reading - Newspaper - World War Horses!

For reading, we had to create a newspaper article using Newspaper generator.

I found my information at

In 1914 to 1916, the New Zealand government was able to get a hold of 10,000 horses to be used in the Expeditionary NZ force. Most of the horses were sent overseas while about three-percent died while on the trip. Horses and Donkeys were mostly used during the war. They were used for carrying heavy loads, helping out in raiding and keeping the supply load active. 

The horses server with the New Zealanders in German, Gallipoli. In the middle east, western front. Many of the horses got hurt or caught a disease and died once overseas. More than half of the horses were used by Mounted troops and officers while 4000 were used to for heavy draught, or pack horses. Also used for Artillery and transport purposes. 

The horses had to go through many types of terrains, but not just the terrain but the weather. The horse’s would travel through sickening mud which got them sick and damaged their hoofs to their legs. When the horse’s got a scratch or cut, it would normally wouldn’t be helped with so it would get infected and the horse would get really sick. As well from the weather and terrain, the horses would normally not get fed right or barely get fed at all. The horse’s would normally die overnight. 

Then In 1914 and 1916, the NZ Government was able to enforce another 10,000 horses to serve. They found out there was a total of 400,000 horses in New Zealand yet only 50,000 were fit to be ridden or draught work. From the Department Agriculture, Stock inspectors was able to buy 10,000 horses, testing each one seeing if they were worthy of the expeditionary force. But before the horse headed overseas or to the training camp, they would be sent to a depot where they are further tested, trained and examined. In 1914, the horses would be sent to temporary places like Christchurch and Dunedin. The horses would get fed and watered three times a day. 

Near the end, those horses that made it back ALIVE would normally be sent to fields where they would decay or die. If you were to take your horse back, you would have to con- firm that its yours. But only out of all the horse’s only four were sent home with their owners.

What I found Easy: I found it easy to find the information about the horses on the site.
What I found Hard: I found it hard to write about the horses timeline because I'm not really good on timelines.
What I could do next time: Next time I should add an image of the horses in war, to give the reader a image to look at and see what its like.

Writing - Flashback Perspective "Show not tell" - The Anzac puppy by Peter Millett and Trish Bowles

WALT. Write a flashback from a different perspective and use show not tell.

"The Western front collapsed as I crawled through the filthy mud. The sound of yelling and gunfire travels through the air like booming music. The smell of death arose as explosions went off like fireworks. I tumble forward, face planting deeper into the muddy trenches. BOOM! Another was set off, only to kill more of my strong comrades, seeing my comrades fall in front of my eyes filled me with hatred, yet my emotions were all so confused."

In Class, we read this book called: "The Anzac puppy" by Peter Millett & Trish Bowles, after reading the book we had to write a perspective from one of the Characters and I picked Freda (the dog).
I found thinking of the perspective easy, because I sometimes write in my own time.
I found it hard to think of describing words to describe the scenery.
Next time, I could spend time describing the scenery to get the reader thinking more.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Reading - Life in the trenches // Why people risk their lives for others?

What I found easy: I found it hard to search for information because google chrome is quick and give me facts/Information about certain topics.
What I found hard: I found it a little hard to put it in my own words without making it sound so similar to my information source.
What I could do next time: Next time I could add more images or work more on the background to make it seem more eye-catching, yet still be able to read more then look.

Religious education - Jesus goes to Jerusalem

For our Palms Sunday learning we had to explain to why Jesus came to Jerusalem, 
we also had to create an image of Jesus coming to Jerusalem on a Donkey. 
Here's my image!

Topic - How to say the sign of the cross in German!

Me and my buddy Marcus made a slideshow on how to Pronounce the sign of the cross in German!
Here is the video link here! Here is Marcus's blog here!
What I found Hard: I found it hard to pronounce it at first.
What I found easy: I found it easy to pronounce the video because the girl in the video pronounced it well.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Prezi - My Leadership Creature!

What I found easy: I found it easy to create my leadership creature with clay because I enjoy creating things.
What I found hard: I found it hard to create the Prezi because it was my first time using it.
What I could do next time: Next time, I could maybe add more color/images of my leadership creature.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Maths - Group2 - Week 10

This week me and my group are still learning how to use the working form, I realized that I used the same question from the week 9 slideshow, but I hope its more clearer then before.