Thursday 6 July 2017

Reading - Matariki

Here is the video ^
Information sources: Manatu Toanga,  Kiwi Families.
Here is my animation, hopefully you'd understand more then the video.
What I found hard: Recording the video, since I do not enjoy recording my voice by myself.
What I found easy: Creating the slideshow, animation.
What I could do next time: Be more confident.
Classmates relative post(s): Marcus & Lance, Niel & Faith, Rheanna & Eden.


  1. Well done Annabelle, you have worked really hard on this DLO. I like that you did a lot of research and summarised your information. I also like the images you created for your animation.

  2. Hello Annabelle,
    This gave me more facts about Matariki and I'm pretty sure that they have now found 2 other stars but I think that this is amazing. Next time I think you might need to proof read

    Kind Regards
    Yaldhurst Model School


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