Friday 8 July 2016

My animated Mihi!


  1. Aloha
    I really like your animated mihi that you have done I think it was a different way of saying your mihi I think next time you should not make as many slides because it took a really long time to read your mihi this reminds me of when I was in room 9

    I wonder how long did it take to make your mihi?

    From Shialla

  2. I like how you did lots of sides.

  3. Hello i like your animated Mihi, its very creative and had lots of slides. If you recorded it it would have gotten better. the next animation you do dont make it that long because people want to read your mihi quickly.

  4. Hi there, my name is Ramsay and I'm a student in room 8 at St Bernadette's school. It made me think of when I created my Animation on Cambodia. Have you thought about Putting a photo of yourself when you name turns up?.

    1. I'm not the biggest fan of posting pictures of myself but maybe!

  5. Hello My name is Sione. I love how you have animated your Mihi, One thing that I like specifically about your Animation is the scene when you introduce your principal making it look like someone is writing something with a pen, then after when you took of the notepad file you put in a "Would you like to save this notepad?"I think one thing you COULD do is put the English translated version of each Maori phrase in brackets. Your animation is still amazing!
    From Sione

  6. Hi there, my name is Mark and I am a teacher in all the rooms in the Hornby Schools. I really like animation of your mihi. It made me think of the things that are similar between you and I . Have you thought about changing your HTML in the embed code to speed up your animation? If you would like me to I can help you do this.

  7. Hi there, my name is Tyler Dyson and I am a student in room 1 at st bernadettes School. I really like your animated on your mihi. It made me think you could have not have 1376 slides I can help you. Have you thought about doing 100 slides insted.

  8. Hi there Annabelle.I am Blake from room 2 at Blaketown school and I think your animated mihi was amazing and how long did it take you to make this?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I really liked how you put in a lot of effort to do this. Also I really liked how you animated it! Great Work !! Keep it up!!

  11. Hi Annabelle I'm Sara from room 2 at Blaketown school I really like your mihi Its really cool I was just wondering how long it took you?

  12. WOW.Hi Annabelle that's a long slide show how long did it take you to make.By Maddie

  13. Hi i'm Emily from Templeton School.

    It looks as if you have worked very hard on this slide, and your work definitely payed off. This is an amazing and creative way to show your Mihi. I enjoyed watching this, and can't wait to see what else you can produce. I was wondering what gave you the idea to create this?

  14. Wow! Annabelle
    I really liked your slides, they were all very interesting.Also I really like the animations on it.
    KEEP IT UP!!

  15. Hi there,my name is Ella I am a student from templeton primary school.I think you have put real effort into your slides and I loved your animation.How long did this take you to make?

  16. Annabelle, there is talent scribbled all over this! It made me think of how astonishing technology can really be. Have you thought about making your animations in a screencastify,instead, to make it a little bit easier to work with.

  17. I really liked all of the worked you put into this and how cool this is I love it


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