Thursday 11 August 2016

Reading - Knowledge two - RIO Olympics 2016 - Brazil & New Zealand


  1. Hi Annabele I am Olga from St Pius Auckland. I like how you present the two Representative of the Rio Olympics. Keep up the good work. If you want to visit my blog just go to St Pius class blog.

  2. Hello There Anabelle I am a student from St Pius X catholic school in Glen Innes and I really enjoyed your presentation. Wow!Anabelle, what a great information about Brazil and Rio. I would like to see this amazing effort continue from you please.


  3. Wow Annabelle,
    I liked how you put everything you know about the Olympics in your slide show but next time i think you could narrow the story down a bit more so that i dont have to read as much as that
    but I liked the counties you choose for this side show!!!

  4. WOW my name is Ethan Im from blaketown Nice work keep it up

  5. what gave you the idea to wright on this


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