Friday 19 August 2016

Writing - Week 4 - Descriptive writing

Didn’t try hard enough
Near the end, everything seemed to slow down.Many bikers were battling behind us, my breath started to get louder because I knew that the next turn was the last one, I was racing with five others.As I have a quick glimpse, I could see the bikers with very fixed eyes on what was on front of them,it wasn’t long before I almost hit into the biker next to me on my left.Everything seemed to be like a Maze between the five bikers because they all were able to block each other, I was in fourth place and three other bikers were infront of me.

Not long after,Me and the five bikers turned the last corner and there were millions of excited faces looking at us, the most hated thing was the camera flashes that was almost blinding, it was even worst that I was sweating so much that I could melt,maybe.I was finally able to pass two bikers and was now in third place, which made me a bit prouder.

As we were almost half way, my eyes seemed to wander about and noticed the sky, the sun was beaming and the wind was perfect to cool me down a bit to keep me going for a bit longer,suddenly I heard someone say “THEY ARE ALMOST THERE!” and that’s when I realised that I was still in third, Faster and faster, but as fast as I went, the others would speed up too.

As three of the bikers slowed down, their were only three of us left, this was my chance, closer and closer we got but..I came in second place!I smiled and waved and the crowd and the cameras got worst, so we all waited for the other bikers, I was awarded a silver medal, It was better than being in third place,next time I’ll have to try harder.


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  3. Hi my name is Grace and I am a student in Room 8 at Templeton School. This is an amazing piece of writing! I love how you have used descriptive language to make the readers feel like they are there! Maybe next time you could proof read your writing a bit better and making sure you use your punctuation carefully... Awesome job on placing 2nd in your race! Keep up the great work!

  4. Hi there my name is Paige and I am student in Room 8 at Templeton School. This piece of writing is so descriptive and makes me feel like a tough biker in that race! Have you thought about keeping an eye out for spacing? Maybe you can just proof read a bit carefully. Your writing was top effort. Love your work!


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