Thursday 21 September 2017

Topic - My "EMAZING" Inquiry on North Korea

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For Topic, We've been studying Children rights around the world and how we all don't have the same rights or even basic needs. 
Here my DLO about North Korea and their children (and little bit more), deepest apologizes if any information is incorrect.
What I found hard: To create sentences in my own words, and explain as much as I can.
What I found easy: Find information because we had unlimited sources for information and presentation tools. 
What I could do next time: Use my own images and maybe be more creative and clear about the information and presenting it. 
Information sources link here.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Annabelle,
    I really like your presentation and all the facts it's really fascinating but next time can you make it look better and interesting but other than that well done.


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