Wednesday 15 February 2017

CyberSmart - Digital Learning Object - "Kawa of Care"

Maddisons blog here. // Nathans blog here.
WALT. Follow the Kawa of Care and use our device confidently and in clever ways.
I found it hard: To work with others in slideshow since I normally enjoy working by myself.
What I found easy: was working with my buddies (Nathan & Maddison),
Next time: We could maybe be more simple or add more images.
Nathan's blog here. || Maddison's blog here.


  1. Hi Annabelle, your group's work is really amazing and your group did it like professionals. I like how your group added a safety reminder for us to know.

  2. Hey Annabelle I like that we worked on this together and we did some good work om this. I like that we posted this on both of our blogs its cool that you put mine and Nathans blog on a link.


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