Tuesday 28 February 2017

Maths - Time Series Data w/ Niel

WALT. Analyse and evaluate ways in which data has been handled and represented in media reports.
What I found hard: I found it hard to-not-get bored cause we had to just sit there and wait for birds to fly around our school courts.
What I could do next time: Next I could add more images to the slideshow seem more interesting.


  1. Hi Annabelle,
    i like the way you have put a lot of effort in your work with Niel and you have put the words in different fonts. next time you could reread your work and cheek for missing words. bye

  2. Hi Annabelle,
    I like the way you did your W.A.L.T and add the thing that you found hard and what you could do next time.Maybe next time you should put your W.A.L.T first and then your slide show.

  3. Hi Annabelle,
    I like the way you posted your DLO with a proper blog post rubric. I also like how you presented your work. Maybe next time, could you probably check your work, e.g instead of having "how much birds passed", you could do, "how many birds passed".

  4. Hi Annabelle,
    I really enjoyed reading your slideshow.
    its really creative


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